SEP Policy Workshop: European Startup Scene
A SEP Policy Workshop re: “The European Startup Scene” will be held at the European Parliament on Monday May 4th from 10.00-13.00.
Amongst the key note speakers Eva Paunova, Member of the European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Alberto Onetti, Chairman of the Mind the Bridge Foundation & Coordinator of Startup Europe Partnership (SEP), Alice Zagury, Founder & CEO of TheFamily, Riccardo Luna, Digital Champion of Italy and Liz Fleming, VP International at Spain StartUp will discuss the challenges facing the European startup ecosystem (below the preliminary program).
During the SEP Policy Workshop some preliminary data from the SEP Monitor: “Mapping ICT Scaleups & Exits: Evidences from five European Countries” – that is going to be released in May – will be uncovered. Specifically a comparative analysis between some European countries (UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy) will be presented.
About 100 participants representing all stakeholder parties will attend, including EU and national political institutions, civil society, business and the international press.
If you are interested to attend, please send an email to providing the following information: full name, date of birth, nationality, number and type of identity document to: . Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis. Only registered participants will have access to the venue.
The workshop is co-hosted by Eva Paunova, MEP.
10:00 – Registration & Welcome coffee
11:10 – Introduction to the day
11:20 – Welcome address
Eva Paunova MEP
11:30 – Presentation of the Startup Europe Partnership and SEP Monitor:
“Mapping ICT Scaleups & Exits: Evidence from five European Countries”
Alberto Onetti, Mind the Bridge/Startup Europe Partnership
Robert Miskuf, Pedal Consulting/ Ud’Anet
11:50 – Evidences from European startup ecosystems
Riccardo Luna, Italian Digital Champion
Elizabeth Fleming, Spain StartUp
Alice Zagury, TheFamily
Wouter Debeyne, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)
12:45 – Main results Europe, summary and conclusion
Alberto Onetti, Mind the Bridge/Startup Europe Partnership
13:00 – Recess
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