• Brussels

Hosted by DG FISMA and DG CNECT, SEP Investors Forum organizes in Brussels a by-invitation-only workshop (targeted at venture capital investors, tech startups, and finance experts from the startup community) to discuss the obstacles start-ups face to access finance from Europe’s capital markets, as well as possible measures to overcome these obstacles in the context of putting in place the building blocks for a Capital Markets Union by 2019. In this context, SEP Investors Forum specifically focuses on the discussion of actions which could facilitate the access of European startups to capital and the impact of such measures on the tech startup ecosystem.The workshop will contribute to identifying possible priorities for the medium to longer term, balancing ambition and political realism. The conclusions of the discussions will be reflected in a paper to be submitted to the European Commission by end April. Here is the link for downloading the SEP Policy Report “Towards the EU Capital Markets Union. Venture Capital, Crowdfunding and Startups”.

Introduction by Alberto Onetti, Coordinator, Startup Europe Partnership

Introductory remarks by Martin Merlin, Director for Financial Markets, DG FISMA and Viorel Peca, Head of Unit, Innovation Unit, DG CNECT

Presentation of the CMU project by the European Commission

Kick-off Interventions moderated by Alberto Onetti, Coordinator, Startup Europe Partnership

  • Robert Wardrop, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge
  • Patric Gresko, Head of Unit, Venture Capital, European Investment Fund (EIF)
  • Erika Blanckaert, Senior Public Affairs Manager, European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EVCA)

Parallel Working Groups led by coordinators:

  • Working Group A: How to increase scale of venture capital markets and develop these markets EU-wide
  • Working Group B: How to develop private sources of VC funding to better complement existing sources of public funding

Networking Lunch

Parallel Working Groups led by coordinators:

  • Working Group C: How to increase the take-up of EU Venture Capital Funds created by the EUVECA Regulation
  • Working Group D: How to develop exit opportunities for VC investors and create a better investment eco-system (including crowdfunding or P2P lending) for startups to boost the supply of VC funds to start-ups

Wrap-up moderated by Alberto Onetti, Coordinator, Startup Europe Partnership

  • Reports by Working Groups’ Rapporteurs
  • Discussion re: Working Groups’ insights
  • Preliminary Conclusions and identified next steps

Patric Gresko

Head of Unit – Venture Capital, European Investment Fund (EIF)

Philippe Collombel

Partner, Partech Ventures

José Da Franca

Chairman & CEO, Portugal Ventures

Claudia Raber

Head of Relationship Management, High-Tech Gründerfonds

Andy Chung

Venture Hacker, Angelist

Mark Schmitz

Partner, Lakestar

Marie Ekeland

Co-President, France Digital

Vladislav Jez

Partner, Credo Ventures

Giannis Papadopoulos

Co-founder-CEO, Attica Ventures

Eric Forest

President, Euronext

Paola Fico

Head of Listed Companies Regulation, Borsa Italiana Capital Market LSEG

Jedrzej Iwaszkiewicz

Co-founder, D-RAFT

Candace Johnson

President, EBAN

Martin Merlin

Director for Financial Markets, DG FISMA, EU Commission

Isidro Laso Ballesteros

Head of Startup Europe, European Commission

Alberto Onetti

President, Mind the Bridge Foundation

Viorel Peca

Head of Unit, Innovation Unit DG CONNECT, EU Commission

Robert Wardrop

Executive Director, Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF)

Stefano Guidotti

Founder & CEO, U-Start

Erika Blanckaert

Senior Public Affairs Manager, EVCA

Katrin Geyskens

Partner, Capricorn Venture Partners

Claudio Giuliano

Managing Director, Innoges

Philippe Gluntz

President, BAE

Martin Koch

Policy Officer, SMEs, Financial instruments and State Aid Unit, DG RTD

Luuk Borg

Assistant Policy Officer, Innovation Unit, DG CNECT

Barbara Gabor

Policy Officer, Securities Markets Unit, DG FISMA

James Hopegood

Policy Analyst, Asset Management Unit, DG FISMA

Andrea Beltramello

Policy Officer, Capital Markets Union Unit, DG FISMA

Emma Fau

Head of Brussels Office, META Group
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