SEC2SV week: numbers and results


The Startup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley week is just over. 
Here you can get a sense of what happened and how participants perceived the mix of meetings, presentations, workshops, keynotes … and fun.


How did it go?
Let’s do the numbers:


  • 14 EU Scaleups selected among several hundreds, with the support of a dozen organizations focused on bridging EU and Silicon Valley
  • Scaleups are established companies experiencing hyper-growth (needed to have had 10+ employees by end of 2011, growing 20%+ YOY in revenue/employees ever since)
  • Scaleups are from 10 different EU countries and cumulatively account for 1,000+ employees and 60M Euros revenue


  • 500+ attendees, 62 speakers, demo area with 33 companies showcased


Indeed, it’s been the first of this kind.
Considering the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the companies participating, it’s probably about time to start considering version 2…