09:00-09:30 Corporate partners members preparation meeting (closed)
09:30-10:15 Welcome to Startup Europe Partnership
10:15-10:45 Presentation of portfolio of startups to corporate members
10:15-10:45 Startup Session: How to deal with Corporates partners
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 SEP Matching: Startup-Corporates 1:1 meetings
11:15-12:45 SEP Peer Sharing
12:45-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:30 NET FUTURES Opening Plenary with Vice-President Andrus Ansip
14:30-16:30 SEP Matching: Startup-Corporates 1:1 meetings
14:30-16:30 SEP Peer Sharing
9:30–10:30 Panel: Startup-Corporate interaction: opportunities and issues
Isidro Laso Ballesteros, Head of Startup Europe, European Commission
Tom Yoritaka, Global Managing Director, Cisco EIR
Pierluigi Fasano, Director, Head Enterprise Architect Reinsurance, Swiss Re
Tom Braekeleirs, Director, Innovation Center Flanders, Microsoft
Moderated by Alberto Onetti, Chairman Mind the Bridge and Startup Europe Partnership Coordinator
10:30–11:00 Evidence-driven startup policy
Alberto Onetti, Chairman Mind the Bridge and Startup Europe Partnership Coordinator
Sidd Bannerjee, Researcher, Digital Startups, Nesta
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30 – 13:00 NET FUTURES
Industrial Policy Plenary with Commissioner Guenther Oettinger and the Director General Roberto Viola (DG Connect)
13:00 – 13:30 NET FUTURES
Event Award Ceremony

Isidro Laso Ballesteros

Alberto Onetti

Tom Yoritaka

Pierluigi Fasano

Tom Braekeleirs

Sidd Bannerjee